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Bouquet CSA

Bouquet CSA

Dandelion Farm and Sweet Blossoms Farm are teaming up to offer a Bouquet CSA in Lander!


What is a Bouquet CSA?

CSA stands for “Community Supported Agriculture”. Members of the Bouquet CSA invest in a farm share early in the season, streamlining planning and investments in growing when they are needed most. In return for your investment, you’ll receive credit towards three premium bouquets of organically-grown, hand-tied bouquets featuring fresh flowers wrapped in paper and ribbon. CSA members get the best-of-the-best flowers and a weekly email highlighting what is growing and blooming.


How does the Bouquet CSA work?   

Payment into the CSA gives you a CREDIT towards three (3) premium bouquets from June - September and locks in the special $20/bouquet rate for any additional bouquets you order. Each Tuesday starting June 18th, you will receive an email asking if you would like a bouquet that week. Your response by Wednesday will reserve a bouquet for you for pickup or delivery on Thursday (time/location to be determined). If you would like to schedule your bouquets now, just let us know in the comments.


Delivery to a home or office in Lander is available for a delivery fee of $15 for the entire season.


How can I send a Gift Bouquet CSA?

The Bouquet CSA makes a great gift for flower-lovers! You must check the “gift” box and fill out the gift recipient’s name, address, and email in the “GIFT Instructions” box. We will send a gift ecard to your recipient with instructions on how to get their bouquets.


How do I pay for the Bouquet CSA?

Choose your payment option when checking out. We accept cash, local check, or credit for payment. Please send local checks to: Dandelion Farm LLC, PO Box 1456, Lander, WY 82520.


We reserve the right to reschedule bouquet pick up dates due to lags in flower production or weather.


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